
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.   2 Corinthians 9:7

[NOTE: If you would like to financially support those impacted by Hurricane Helene, the BGAV (Baptist Association of Virginia) link for on-line giving is here: BGAV and select program "Active Disaster Response (Storm Recovery-Helene")]

To securely give using your debit or credit card, tap this link to our service from Continue To Give:  ContinueToGive-Hopewellbc 

Other forms of financial support can be handed to our greeters each Sunday morning, placed in the offering plate, or mailed to us at 5061 Hopewell Rd, New Kent, VA 23124.


Your financial gifts are used according to an annual budget approved by the membership each September. 

We also accept designated offerings for our building construction program and the many ministry and missions opportunities announced throughout the year. 

Hopewell Capital Campaign

Our federal EIN# is 54-1871959